7 Tips for Travel Photography
by Eguaogie Eghosa Sep 25, 2021 Views (336)
The cameras on smartphones are simple to utilize. They are handy, and we can take amazing pictures with a device that fits in our pocket. Still, in terms of available settings and even several cameras, these cameras have a lot to offer. Of course, whenever we have a large number of choices, we are going to make mistakes.

People who use their smartphone cameras on a daily basis are unaware of the errors they are making and have no idea why their images are of poor quality.

Today, we'll go through the five most common mistakes people make while using their phones' cameras.
First, let me introduce you to Film District Dubai, a world-class company dealing in Film Equipment Rental, Photo Booth Rental, Audio-Visual Equipment Rental, and Camera Rental in Dubai.

1. You Fail to Recognize the Subject
On several occasions, you may have come across an Instagram photo of a basic blue sky. And wonder what the subject of the photograph is. If you must shoot a picture of the sky; have a subject. At the very least have the sun or some clouds in the sky. Remember that the shot should convey some sort of message, and if the subject is absent, the message is simply not conveyed. You should be able to glance at your photo and tell your audience what it's about right away.

What choices do you have in dealing with the situation?
If, for instance, you're photographing a beach, don't only focus on the sand or the water. Instead, include a few other things. It could be palm trees, people, a cabin, a lifeguard station, or something else. These subjects will direct the viewer's attention to the appropriate area and will immediately improve the quality of your photograph.

2. Your photographs are blurry
This is the most irritating error we all do with our phone cameras at some time. Smartphone cameras aren't as good as full-fledged DSLR cameras. The focus may fluctuate in this aspect, especially if we're talking about inexpensive phone cameras. As a result, fuzzy selfies or out-of-focus landscapes or portraits are common.

At least in some circumstances, our phones will just refuse to properly focus on the intended subject. Thankfully, you can manually focus on the subject on 99.99 percent of phones. Simply tap on the object/subject you wish to concentrate on in your camera app, and the issue will be under control.

3. Lack of adequate exposure
For high-quality pictures, proper exposure is crucial. When a photograph is overexposed, it becomes incredibly bright and loses all of its details. An underexposed photo, on the other hand, is very black, and all the details are lost once again. When you point your phone camera outside from your window, you'll see this feature. So, what happens next? The phone, on the other hand, will take some time to correctly expose the photo. After a second or two, you can clearly see what's outside the window, having gone from a perfectly exposed photo to an underexposed photo. This is likewise true of the human eye.

This blunder can be easily corrected. Allow your phone to adjust the exposure for you. Everything should be fine if you wait a few seconds before taking a shot. It's not necessary to shoot as soon as you take out your phone. If the exposure won't change on its own, move the subject to the opposite side and experiment with the lighting. If it isn't enough, you can play about with the ISO and aperture. This isn't usually necessary and using the first two options almost always works.

4. Night Shots that are mediocre or bad
Night photography is one area where a DSLR substantially outperforms a smartphone. Sure, there are some new flagships that can capture great night photographs, but a DSLR has a larger sensor and is just a superior option for night photography. You may now claim that you don't have a flagship phone, which is why your night photographs are poor.

In low-light situations, you can explore a variety of options. The first step is to increase the ISO. Your camera is bound to be more light-sensitive with a higher ISO. This will also help to eliminate blur caused by camera shake. Turning on your HDR setting is another option, but not all phones have it.

5. Unsuitable Background
We tend to forget about other things when we concentrate on one issue. This is true in both real life and photography. As a result, the background behind your subject can either spoil or improve the image. When you snap a photo, you'll notice that your subject appears to be fairly nice, but there's a lot of clutter in the background that draws the viewer's attention away from the topic. If that's the case, you've made a blunder! There are a few effective ways of dealing with this. You can begin by selecting the appropriate background. If you have even a smidgeon of photographic talent, you'll instinctively know where to place your subject.

There you have it; 5 of the most common mistakes we make while taking photos with our smartphones. The next time you decide to use your smartphone's camera, remember these pieces of information and you will likely be more pleased with your production than before.

Make sure you visit FDD - Film District Dubai for more entertaining and educative articles like this and for unique services in film equipment rentals, camera rentals, website design, digital marketing, graphic design, and website management.

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